2022 Report of the Book Committee

We are almost done! Thanks to an amazing amount of hard work from many of our members, all chapters have been completed. We have also completed a thorough and reliable index, which is a must for any genealogical publication. I am in the process of working with a creative person with publishing experience to work on the exterior design of the book and to identify several printers and publishers to get firm prices on the book. We need to understand the prices to publish in hardback and softback. We also want to publish with color pages rather than just black and white pages, but need to know how much that adds to the cost of each book. Once we know the cost of our options, decisions will be made and the printing process will begin. We will at the same time begin to take orders for the book. It is anticipated that we will have the book in hand to distribute by the Convention in Richmond on October 25-26.

I appreciate everyone’s patience as we have worked to put this together. I thank all members who have contributed so much to the researching, drafting, and editing of the various chapters and for the advice I have received on what should be in the book and how it should be put together. I am confident we will have an outstanding book ready for sale and distribution in the near future.

— John Morris, Book Committee Chair

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